Rules for participation in the 5th International Student Poster Confrontations
The 5th International Student Poster Confrontations is an international competition for printed, digital and animated posters. The aim of the event is to analyze the current development in poster design and to review the effects of various studios specializing in this field in terms of type, nature and curricula diversity. Design studios of various profiles and specialization in higher education institutions are invited to participate. Posters created by students during the initial courses, as well as those part of M.A. and Ph.D. projects, may be submitted to the competition by the studio supervisors. Depending on the number of applications, the Program Council will select from the submitted work, posters for the exhibition. All posters qualified for the exhibition will automatically take part in the competition. Winners will be awarded financial prizes. The Jury will select the winners in the categories: Poster and Animated poster. The results will be announced during the opening of the exhibition on the 14th of June, 2024 at 6 p.m.
Work can be submitted in one or both categories. Participation in the competition is free. The condition for submitting posters for the exhibition and competition is sending the work via the application form on the organizer's page: before the deadline stated in the regulations. Only projects developed in the period from April 2022 to April 2024 and not submitted in prior editions, are eligible. Each studio can submit up to 10 posters and up to 5 animated posters.
The exhibition will take place from 14.06–27.07.2024 at the Tarnow Cultural Center and on the Market Square in Tarnow.
The detailed rules of participation are included in the Regulations.
Curator of the Exhibition: dr Joanna Tyborowska
Regulations of the Student Poster Confrontations in Tarnow 2024
1. The aim of the exhibition and competition the 5th International Student Poster Confrontations,
hereinafter referred to as Confrontations, is to analyze the current development in poster design and to review various studios
specialising in this field in terms of type, nature and curricula diversity.
2. The Organizer of the Confrontations is the Faculty of Arts of University of Applied Sciences in Tarnow.
3. The Curator and the Program Council are responsible for the ensemble of the exhibition.
4. The design studios of higher education institutions of various profiles and specializations, in which posters are developed during the courses, can take part in the Confrontations.
5. The posters are submitted to the Confrontations by the studio supervisors. The posters developed during the initial courses, as well as the ones accomplished during the M.A. and Ph.D. projects are accepted.
6. All of the students’ works qualified for the exhibition will automatically take part in the competition.
7. Projects created between April 2022 and April 2024 are accepted for participation.
8. Various designs of printed, digital and animated posters on socio-cultural topics are accepted. We welcome a wide spectrum of approaches, both typographic, as well as purely original or impressionistic.
9. There are two categories: Poster and Animated poster.
10. Participation in the Confrontations is free of charge.
11. Application conditions and deadlines:
Each design studio may submit up to 10 posters and up to 5 animated posters:
Poster: format 700 x 1000 mm, 300 dpi, CMYK, no profile, 3 mm bleed, no trim marks, max size 150 MB saved as jpeg, tiff, pdf (flat). In the name of the file, please include the name and surname of the author (possibly additional numbering).
Animated poster: Animated poster: 1080 × 1920 px, saved as mp4, max. size 150 MB, vertical. An additional jpg, serving as a cover is required: 1080 × 1920 px, 150 dpi, max. size 150 MB.
12. Exhibition
The Organizer covers the costs of printing posters from the received digital files and preparing them for the display.
13. The competition
The Organizer of the Confrontations appoints the Competition Jury, which will
select the winners from among the authors of the projects qualified for the
exhibition and award cash prizes in two categories: Poster and Animated poster.
The amount of prizes in the Poster category: PLN 2,000 - 1st place,
PLN 1000 - 2nd place. The amount of prizes in the Animated poster
category: PLN 2,000 - 1st place, PLN 1,000 - 2nd place.
The competition results will be announced on June 14, 2024, during the opening ceremony of the exhibition.
14. Application for the participation in the Confrontation is tantamount to:
15. The Organizer reserves the right to publish the photos of the works sent to Confrontations on the following website:, in the mass media, on websites and social media, and the right to prepare documentation for the promotion of the event, without payment of the copyrights.
16. The publishing of a catalogue with reproductions of works qualified for the exhibition and a photographic documentation is planned.
17. Sending the application is tantamount to accepting the provisions of the above Regulations.
18. Interpretation of the Regulations and settlements in matters not included in the Regulations are performed by the Organizer.
The Organizer: Faculty of Arts of University of Applied Sciences in Tarnow. 8 Mickiewicza st., 33-100 Tarnów, Poland
Curator: dr Joanna Tyborowska
Program Council: dr Wojciech Kołek, dr hab. Dariusz Vasina, dr Bartłomiej Bałut, Ewa Łączyńska-Widz, dr hab. Michał Jandura